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Absorbing devices removal tools

Key characteristics:
Serie: PPA...
Force: 20-56 t
Presure: 700 bar
Ход поршня: от 20 до 50 мм
Масса гидроцилиндра: от 6,6 до 11,4 кг
Масса клина: от 3,3 до 4,1 кг
Рекомендуемый насос: НРГ-7004А и НРГ-7010
Development according to your specifications
Important information

The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Model Capacityt Strokemm Working oil capacitycm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Cylinder weightkg Wedge weightkg Recommended pump
PPA2 20 20 100,5 110×211,5×310 6,6 3,3; 4,1 NRG-7004A
PPA3 56 50 393 152×145×266 11,4 НРГ-7010
Capacityt Strokemm Working oil capacitycm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH)
20 20 100,5 110×211,5×310
56 50 393 152×145×266
Cylinder weightkg Wedge weightkg Recommended pump
6,6 3,3; 4,1 NRG-7004A
11,4 НРГ-7010
Working oil capacitycm3
Dimensionsmm (BxLxH)
Cylinder weightkg
Wedge weightkg
Recommended pump
PPA2 Capacityt Strokemm Working oil capacitycm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Cylinder weightkg Wedge weightkg Recommended pump
20 20 100,5 110×211,5×310 6,6 3,3; 4,1 NRG-7004A
PPA3 Capacityt Strokemm Working oil capacitycm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Cylinder weightkg Wedge weightkg Recommended pump
56 50 393 152×145×266 11,4 НРГ-7010
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The devices are designed to compress the absorbing apparatus of all types of wagons and locomotives while performing repair work.

Devices can reduce the time taken to remove absorbingautomatic couplers of railway rolling stock,increase productivity and safety of work.

PPA1 with a wedge 55 mm wide can be used for removalabsorbing devices of freight and passenger cars.

PPA2 with two wedges 45 mm wide and 55 mm wide canUsed for electric locomotives and wagons.

PPA3 is intended for removal of absorbing devices of all typesautomatic coupling of railway rolling stockrepair work.PPA3 has a spring return of the rod.

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