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Manual hydraulic pumps for equipment with hydraulic retrection

Key characteristics:
Серия: НРГ...Р
Объем бака: от 2 000 до 18 000 см3
Давление: от 70 до 80 МПа
Development according to your specifications
Important information

The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Model Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
NRG-7020R 2000 1600 13,8/700 13/2,8 148×635×189 15,8
NRG-7020 2000 1600 13,8/700 13/2,3 160×623×135 7
NRG-7035R 3500 3000 13,8/700 13/2,8 148×795×189 18
NRG-7080R 10000 8000 27,5/700 113/4 310×715×340 22,8
NRG-7160R 18000 16000 27,5/700 113/4 389×700×340 30
NRG-8160R 18000 16000 2/80 86/9 376×980×359 26
NRG-8080R 8000 6300 20/800 86/9 223×910×357 22,7
NRG-8080RG** 8000 6300 20/800 86/9 260×882×359 27,9
Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3
2000 1600 13,8/700 13/2,8
2000 1600 13,8/700 13/2,3
3500 3000 13,8/700 13/2,8
10000 8000 27,5/700 113/4
18000 16000 27,5/700 113/4
18000 16000 2/80 86/9
8000 6300 20/800 86/9
8000 6300 20/800 86/9
Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
148×635×189 15,8
160×623×135 7
148×795×189 18
310×715×340 22,8
389×700×340 30
376×980×359 26
223×910×357 22,7
260×882×359 27,9
Nominal oil capacity cm3
Usefull capacity cm3
Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar
Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3
Dimensionsmm (BxLxH)
Weight without oil kg
NRG-7020R Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
2000 1600 13,8/700 13/2,8 148×635×189 15,8
NRG-7020 Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
2000 1600 13,8/700 13/2,3 160×623×135 7
NRG-7035R Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
3500 3000 13,8/700 13/2,8 148×795×189 18
NRG-7080R Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
10000 8000 27,5/700 113/4 310×715×340 22,8
NRG-7160R Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
18000 16000 27,5/700 113/4 389×700×340 30
NRG-8160R Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
18000 16000 2/80 86/9 376×980×359 26
NRG-8080R Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
8000 6300 20/800 86/9 223×910×357 22,7
NRG-8080RG** Nominal oil capacity cm3 Usefull capacity cm3 Pressure 1st stage/2nd stage bar Output per stroke 1st stage/2nd stage cm3 Dimensionsmm (BxLxH) Weight without oil kg
8000 6300 20/800 86/9 260×882×359 27,9

Double-acting general purpose cylinders

Single-acting load-lifting cylinders

Power cylinders

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Hand pump equipped with a built-in directional valve for double-acting tools.

You can order a model with your parameters, if a suitable one is not in our catalog.

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