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Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners

Key characteristics:
Серия: ДТГ...
Усилие: от 9 до 615 тс
Давление: от 60 до 70 МПа
Номинальное давление: от 60 до 70 Мпа
Рабочий объем масла: от 10 до 1043 см3
Размер под ключ закручиваемых гаек: от 36 до 150 мм , и круглые гайки
Масса: от 2,5 до 49,1 кг
Development according to your specifications
Important information

The content of this publication is subject to copyright of JSC TD ENERPRED and cannot be reproduced (even in part) without appropriate permission. JSC TD "ENERPRED" reserves the right to make any changes to the design and characteristics of the tool offered in this catalog without prior notice. Instrument specifications, including weight, dimensions and other parameters, may vary slightly.

Model Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
DTG10-24 9 700 10 36 М24×1,5 70×178,5×138 2,5
DTG20 20 700 29 41, 46, 50 М27×2, М30×2, М33×2 104×184×165 8,8
DTG30 29 700 40 55, 60, 65 М36×3, М39×3, М42×3 120××200×158 12,6
DTG80 81,7 700 149 65, 95 М42×3, М64×4 190×270×212 31
DTG125G12-56х3 125 60 246 round nut М56×3 260×307×346 49,1
DTG125 125,5 600 246,2 round nut М52×3 254×300×280 33
DTG200 197 700 552,2 round nut М76×4 294×338×280 45,6
DTG600M 615 600 1043 150 М100×6 290×453×853 251
Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm
9 700 10 36
20 700 29 41, 46, 50
29 700 40 55, 60, 65
81,7 700 149 65, 95
125 60 246 round nut
125,5 600 246,2 round nut
197 700 552,2 round nut
615 600 1043 150
Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
М24×1,5 70×178,5×138 2,5
М27×2, М30×2, М33×2 104×184×165 8,8
М36×3, М39×3, М42×3 120××200×158 12,6
М42×3, М64×4 190×270×212 31
М56×3 260×307×346 49,1
М52×3 254×300×280 33
М76×4 294×338×280 45,6
М100×6 290×453×853 251
Rated forcets
Rated pressureBar
Working oil capacitycm³
Size of a turnkey nut rangemm
Thread size prestressing rods
DTG10-24 Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
9 700 10 36 М24×1,5 70×178,5×138 2,5
DTG20 Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
20 700 29 41, 46, 50 М27×2, М30×2, М33×2 104×184×165 8,8
DTG30 Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
29 700 40 55, 60, 65 М36×3, М39×3, М42×3 120××200×158 12,6
DTG80 Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
81,7 700 149 65, 95 М42×3, М64×4 190×270×212 31
DTG125G12-56х3 Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
125 60 246 round nut М56×3 260×307×346 49,1
DTG125 Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
125,5 600 246,2 round nut М52×3 254×300×280 33
DTG200 Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
197 700 552,2 round nut М76×4 294×338×280 45,6
DTG600M Rated forcets Rated pressureBar Working oil capacitycm³ Size of a turnkey nut rangemm Thread size prestressing rods Dimensionsmm Weightkg
615 600 1043 150 М100×6 290×453×853 251

Advantages of Bolt tensioners:

  • Most conventional tools and devices that are used to tighten screw connections when working with long bolts (studs) can cause them to twist and thus complicate the problems for which they were created. These are the offset flange leaks, damaged seals that cause unplanned downtime for troubleshooting.
  • In all cases, when tightening screw connections requires maximum accuracy, reliability and dosed torque, the best option is to use a hydraulic bolt tensioner that solves all these problems.
  • Bolt tensioner range of use: flanged pipe joints, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, rolling mills, presses, motors, crushers, diesel engines, valves, turbines, compressors, and more.

Work principle:

  1. Nut is screwed by hand all the way into the supporting surface, and then the holder is setonthenut. Interchangeable adapter is screwed onto the exposed end of the stud. Length of adapter screwing with the stud must not be less than the diameter of the latter.

  2. Pressure is applied to the cavity of the cylinder, and creates a capacity through which the stud is pulled.

  3. Nut is screwed by hand all the way in without effort, and the pressure is released.

  4. The cylinder is removed.

High-pressure hoses

Pumping stations for AVSO-30

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Designed for screwing and unscrewing nuts with calibrated capacity in heavy duty fasteners when performing installation and dismantling and repair work in all industry branches. 

The work of the bolt tensioner is based on pre-stretching of a stud (bolt) with a capacity equal to the required capacity of screw connection fastening and the subsequent tightening of nuts without the application of capacity against stop into the support surface.

Bolt tensioner can be grouped and powered by a single pressure source through multi-way valves, which is the essential solution when you need to produce a synchronized tightening of the large number of bolted joints. 

Complete with removable holders and adapters according to the operating range.

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